In which I piss the Dr Who world off… I don’t like Clara

Yes I know, she’s cute as a button, and she had so much potential but 4 episodes in to her shows, I find myself disappointed. Maybe the build up was too big. Maybe the she had too much mystery around her and she can’t live up to it  – after all the Dr. usually just stumbles upon his new companions. Maybe the Ponds are just a hard act to follow. 

Who Knows…

But regardless she’s a bore. It’s not her fault really. They are barely giving her anything to say. But she’s not even really asking questions. She just so “along for the ride.”  She doesn’t seem to have that quality of amazement and adventure that defines a companion. Where is the wide eyed wonder? The amazement? Most of all she’s just not the same girl we saw in the Christmas Special.. she’s a watered down, oddly silent, boring version of that.

And what is up with the playing coy and hard to get? The Dr. has never had to pursue a companion before, they have always jumped at the chance to go with him, begged. She tells him to come back tomorrow and she’ll see. 

And these last two episodes… also just Mehh. Why were they in the submarine? Were we ever told that? At least last night we get an hint as to why they showed up at the castle but OMG that was the most boring episode ever. Like a weirdly misplaced Halloween episode that never got off the ground. I actually feel asleep during it.

I’m starting to worry that Moffat has peaked on this one. He’s had his best shows and best ideas and he’s now wading through a mess of left overs trying to make something of it. Or maybe he’s just so focused on the 50th anniversary thing that the current season is slightly neglected. Did it all get too big?

Who Knows? Time Will Tell.


Proud Geek Mama Moment

Letting kids watch Back to the Future for the first time. When Marty pushes George out the way of the car, Puddin immediately gasps and turns to me to exclaim – “He just messed up time – just like Rose did (on Dr Who)!” and then proceeds to explain to her little sister why altering a fixed point in time threatens Marty’s very existence – correctly I might add.

As heard at bedtime last night

Him: Thanks for telling me you were going to bed.{sarcasm}

Me: I did, I said, “I’m going to bed” when I was typing it in the computer. You weren’t listening.

Him: You typed it in the computer?

Me: Yes

Him: Why, who were you telling you were going to bed?

Me: The Internet.

Him: The Internet?

Me: Yes, obviously it listens better than you do.

His Lovely Wife

Once or twice a year I am called upon to assume the role of His Lovely Wife. I do not resent this, after all he has on more than one occasion donned the mantel of Her Charming Husband.  But these days as the doctor’s wife I’m the one that more often is just along as the arm candy.

One of the benefits of these nights is that they generally come with free booze and a breath taking view. There is no view in Jacksonville that compares to that which you get from The River Club downtown. My sad iphone photos do not do it justice.

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Happy Anniversary Baby

Today’s Story People story is just perfect for today. While it wasn’t technically the day we met (we known each other for 10 years) this captures perfectly how I felt the night I suddenly figured it all out…


When I first met him, I knew in a moment I would have to spend the next few days re-arranging my mind so there’d be room for him to stay.



Hot Now

Evidently the Dr. forgot we are a family of four ‘cause 2 dozen?? Seriously? Maybe he got to Krispy Kreme and “glazed over” get it … glazed over.. I’m on fire this morning. Must be all the sugar.

Anyway, he got up before anyone else and made a trip to the holy land and brought home “Hot Now” so for today he is forgiven just about anything. Anything at all.

Enjoy your day of grace honey – use it well.
